
Just a Happy Day!

By Chrysty De Guzman - September 20, 2018

Hey everyone! We're already on the third week of September yet I haven' written anything here. Bad and good things happened in the past weeks which made me really busy.

Just recently, September 15, 2018,  our place was directly hit by a typhoon Mangkhut which caused an extensive damage to agriculture and infrastructure. The typhoon left us with too many litters to clean off. Lucky us, our house wasn't damaged. But most of all, the typhoon left us with so many lessons to learn from. This proven the world that in the most needed time, we, Filipinos will stand for each other; that we will cry and laugh together after the worst of our day.

Let's forget the bad and move forward with the good things in life. September 19, 2018, is my born day. Blessed enough that I was given another day to celebrate my added year. I thanked those who remembered my day and celebrated with me.  Friends from afar also made me felt so special that no distance would hinder them to made feel well-loved. Of course, my family will never get absent on my special day. I received a lot of well wishes and gift to these special people. But what I am really grateful for is my life which I offered to God. All I really have is praises for HIM.

Happy Birthday to me and to those people who celebrated their birthdays on the same day! Have a good day!

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