
Book Review: Paano Yumaman (50 Pera Tips to Making and Saving Money)

By Chrysty De Guzman - December 15, 2018

Paano Yumaman
Hi folks! What’s your read this weekend? As the great Dr. Seuss says "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." So here’s mine sharing with you.

Everyone wants to get rich. This isn’t a myth. Who wouldn’t want a comfortable life where you can buy all your needs plus your wants? A fancy car, mansions, guest houses, expensive closets, an on to date gadgets, a million dollar bank account, and more only Rich Kids can afford. Can you imagine having all of these? If you know me well or at least had a good talk with me already, or even just read my About Page, you know tha my dream is to be a multi-dollar millionaire. Well, I believe in this dream and so I started my luck betting on the lottery (lol).

Kidding aside, how to get rich? While I raid my favorite nearest National Bookstore at my place, I found a book which I know would have a great impact on my life. I  consider myself wreck-less in managing my money. And a ton of books about saving and investing is a great gift for me, now giving you a tip for Christmas ha ha. Btw, I’m talking about Paano Yumaman? (How To Get Rich?) by Eric Go Serate and Joel Serate Ferrer- an authors-cousins who compiled 50 amazing tips to making and saving money.

This book is a compilation of 50 short articles based on first-hand experiences of the authors which they claimed to work in the Philippine setting. The tips were accompanied by action steps which they believed will make the wealth journey personally enriching, meaningful, easy and fun.
Because Christmas is fast approaching, I’ll be a good shepherd and here sharing the 50 Amazing Pera Tips to Making and Saving Money listed in the book.

Provisions For Your Wealth Journey 
1.The Golden Rule in Wealth Building “Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you”- Luke 6:31.  
  • This is about not expecting from others things you don’t do yourself.
2. For A Change, Think Out of the Box.
  • About embracing change and how to use it as an edge.
3.How A Positive Mind Can Improve Your Business.
  • It’s about the importance of being optimistic and how this affects one’s business.

Career Game Plan
4.How Fresh Graduates Can Be Ahead Of The Employment Pack.
  • Tips for fresh graduates on how to win the battle of employment.
5.How To Climb The Pinoy Corporate Ladder.
  • Talks about the values needed for a successful career in the Philippines.

Smarter Pera Tips
6.Frugal Ways To Shop.
  • Tips about frugality especially on identifying wants and needs.
7. Buying Your First Car.
  • Things to consider buying a car.
8.A Simple Idea That Saves Thousands On Fuel Cost.
  • Tips on how can save on fuel especially that the hike on fuel price continues to get high.
9.Understanding Philhealth.
  • Making one’s self familiar with the health benefits offered by the Government.
10. Slash Your Meralco Bill By 30%.
  • Guide on electricity saving.
11. Taming Your Vampire Appliances.
  • Tips on how to save electric bill through wiser use of appliances.
12.Home Lighting 80% Off.
  • Includes on which lighting to use for home.
13.Homey Ways to Cut Down on Food Expenses.
  • Tips on how one won’t waste any centavo on foods.
14. Buying Gasoline Cheaper Than The Rest.
  • Tips where to buy gasoline at a cheaper price. Every centavo counts, remember?
15. Save PHP450 On TPL insurance Right Away.
  • Tips on saving on Insurance.
16.Significant Savings On Gadgets.
  • Smart tips on buying gadgets.

Saving And Investing
17. What Is The First Thing I Should Save For?  
  • How to prioritize important things in your life.
18.Better Returns On Your Deposits.
  • Tips about investing one’s money
19. Where Can I Invest My Money?
  • Options where to invest money with promising good returns.
20.How To Open A Local Stock Trading Account.
  • Guide to local stock investment.
21.How To Invest And Trade Outside The Philippines.
  • Includes tips about investing in the International market.
22. Dissecting Withholding Taxes On Deposits/Savings.
  • Understanding withholding taxes for one’s bank deposit.
23.Planning For Life’s Uncertainties.
  • Importance of Life insurance.

Creating A Better You
24.Health Before Wealth.
  • Article reminder about the importance of health more than wealth.
25. Unlock And Unleash The Power Of  Social Capital.
  • The importance of social networking, okay this is not about Facebook and the like.
26. Make Your Contacts Count With A Database.
  • Reasons for saving your contacts in a database.
27.Useful Time And Task Management Tools.
  • Includes tool to help one manage her time for a more fruitful day.

28. Starting A Home-Based Business.
  • Guide about home-based business.
29. Is Franchising For You?
  • Some facts about franchising.
30.How To Setup Your Own Company.
  • Tips on how one can start a company.
31. Get An Experienced Business Partners (or How 1+1 Can Equal 3 or More).
  • Importance of experienced partners in starting a business.
32. Earn $800 Each Month Working From Home.
  • Guide on earning from home.
33. Earn And Learn From Divisoria.
  • The famous Divisoria and the learning it impacted to anyone.
34.Trash To Cash.
  • How to turn trash into money.
35.How To Develop The Entrepreneurial Skills Of Left-Brain And Right-Brain People.
  • Guide on developing the entrepreneurial skills by either being logical and factual or being creative.
36.Unexpected Income From An Advocacy.
  • A story about an advocate who was blessed because of goodwill.

Timeless Wealth Principles
37.Needs Vs. Wants.
  • Identifying needs and wants.
38. Should I Borrow Money?
  • Article about the good and bad side of borrowing money.
39. Saving Before Spending.
  • Importance of saving before spending.
40.Money Sense For Kids.
  • Teaching kids how to be wise in handling money.
41. What Is Retirement?
  • Guide about retirement and planning for it.
42.Estate Planning: Crafting Your Legacy.
  • Guide on not leaving tons of debt to one’s family when death comes.

Budgeting For Recreation
43.Casinos: Good News. Bad News.
  • Guide about casino playing.
44. Maximizing Travel For Families With Kids.
  • Guide for parents who want to travel with kids.

Property Investments
45. From Bedspacer To Landlord.
  • How to earn while paying for one’s home needs.
46. Steps To Secure The Property You Are Buying.
  • About property acquisition.
47.The Rate Of Return (ROR) On Rental Properties.
  • Guide about passive income in the form of rentals.

Learning How To Sell
48. Bringing Out The Salesman In You.
  • Guide on how to bring out the salesman skills within.
49. Learn To Love The Word “NO”.
  • Guide on when to say no when needed.
50. Sell More Through Odd Pricing.
  • Article about Odd pricing and how to take advantage of it.
My Personal Thought:
This book is a great guide to improving one’s skill in managing money. I salute the authors for sharing their ideas and writing it in a book which surely helps those who were able to get a copy. My favorite are those tips under Entrepreneurship. I’ve been into freelancing for 5 awesome years now and I must say, based on my experiences, anyone could earn more money than a typical employer with 8-5 kind of job only if you choose to expand your servings, skills, and knowledge. This book is for everyone who wishes to learn better about saving money.

Now that you had an idea of these a must follow tips to a better financing, you’re welcome. Of course, I know you don’t expect me to write here the entirety of the book right? Because if I do, you won’t buy your own copy. Anyway, this book is available in leading bookstores nationwide for only PHP199, try to find it on Amazon too.

Title: Paano Yumaman (50 Pera Tips To Saving And Making Money)
Authors: Eric Go Serate and Joel Serate Ferrer

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