
Teeth Cleaning

By Chrysty De Guzman - December 16, 2017

Yey! For a second time I visited a dentist (like 10 years after my first visit). At my age, I admit I’m still like a kiddo who thinks that a dentist is a monster and I’ll be needing my favorite superhero (BATMAN) to save me. Weird I am, but the truth is I’m one among those who has a least tolerance on pain.

But why do we really need to have a dental check-up at least twice a year? I learned that our oral health is very important. A proper oral hygiene prevents tooth decay and other gums problem.  Brushing thoroughly isn’t enough to protect our teeth. A healthy teeth is the secret of a good and confident smile.
 (photo: pixabay.com)
Well it’s a sudden decision for me to consult a dentist to have my teeth cleaning. Before the cleaning started, I had some chatting with the dentist secretary (my bad to forget asking her name because I’m honestly nervous by then.). I had to divert my mind before I run my ass out of the place, so I asked her if the process will be painful and she gave me some encouraging words (but it didn’t work). LOL.

I can’t describe the feeling when Dr. Lota Taguba called my name. I admitted to her that I’m afraid. I’ve been very honest about how I feel and even asked if she can add an ounce of anesthesia. But the good thing is aside from being very kind, she’s been very gentle during the process. She didn’t let me be eaten by my fear. It was still a painful experience for me, but I managed it. Also, I learned that my teeth have some problems but now I’m more confident to give the best smaile to anyone. I am set to visit her again for another appointment and will surely share it to you!

Thanks to Dr. Lota Taguba. You could visit her dental clinic any time and can set an appointment at her mobile number: +639275463759. I swear she is the best!

No two people have the same set of teeth so protect yours!

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