
Why I Fell In Love Over Sunset?

By Chrysty De Guzman - February 15, 2019

Sunset makes the most beautiful art work. Sometimes it makes me wonder, what if I was given a magical hand that paints? Perhaps I will name my masterpiece ” Peace” because watching sunset gives me peace.

I adore sunset so much. I honestly don’t know of any adjective to describe how I fell deeply to sunsets. I love how darkness embraces the lights and form mesmerizing colors. I love it when the blue turns orange and reddish hue. I love it when pink, purple and so many more colors painted the sky. It is as if telling me that beauty shine the most during the darkest time. It reminds me that sometimes ending is beautiful. That there is a magical love story over the sky. And that fantasy is a reality.

Let me share some of my sunset photos taken at our home. Yes, I am among the luckiest who can witness breath-taking sunset regularly. I need not to travel just to witness and capture an amazing sunset view. Perhaps perks of living in a forever sunny side of the world?

Note: Photos are not edited.

Do you also have an amazing sunset photos? I would love to see those. Just DM me if you want to share some. Enjoy your Sunset!

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Kikita. I hope you also loves sunset <3

  2. Omg these photos make me so happy. Who couldn't fall in love with a sunset? Such meaning in the way it paints the sky.

    - Sugi Says

    1. Yay❤️❤️❤️ Sunset is my every day high. I'm glad I found someone here who love sunsets as I am. Thank you so much Sugi ❤️

  3. WOW! You really capture my heart on your amazing photos :) I do love sunset as well :)

  4. Your photos are amazing. How lucky to be able to see such stunning scenery. Keep it up 💕

  5. Great post! Love these photos.

    Coralle x

  6. Beautiful photos thank you for sharing 💜
